Resources for Musicians
Are you a musician searching for opportunities to forward your career? Look here for some fantastic resources provided by the City of Port Phillip and beyond!
Grants and funding opportunities
Locals Playing Locals
A targeted support program from Port Phillip Council, providing financial assistance to encourage live music events featuring local performers at venues and local events within the municipality.
Through this initiative, Council will provide a financial contribution towards artist fees to encourage local venues, promoters, and event managers to plan live music events and engage local performers from the Featured Artist Database. Locals Playing Locals is part of City of Port Phillip's Live Music Action Plan.

City of Port Phillip Funds, Grants and Subsidies
The City of Port Phillip offers a range of year-long and seasonal funds, grants and subsidies to help artists and community organisations contribute to the city's vibrant cultural offering. Check regularly to see if there are any open opportunities.

Creative Victoria: Grants and Support
Creative Victoria offers a range of grants and funding support for an array for creative endeavors, including for musicians and live music venues. Check back regularly to see what support is currently on offer.

Music Victoria: Current Grants and Funding
While Music Victoria does not distribute grants itself, they do provide this handy resource that lists and links many of the grants and funds available Victoria wide. They also provide a list of other fantastic non-financial resources, such as professional development and promotion opportunities.

Professional development resources
Green Music Australia: Sound Country
Explore Green Music Australia's Artist Guide to discover how to be a part of the journey to an environmentally friendly Australian music industry. This resource can show you how to lead by example, improving the environmental performance of your events, tours, transport and merchandise.

Music Victoria Resources
Music Victoria has a large database of resources that provide information on range of topics helpful for musicians, from day-to-day considerations such as setting up an ABN and filing your tax return to programs that tackle inequity, harassment and artist wellbeing in Victoria's music industry.

Busking Permit
Find out about the 6 and 12-month busking permits available in the City of Port Phillip and how to apply or renew your permit